Terms & Conditions
General Information
The Carolina Carillon Holiday Parade welcomes your application for our 70th Annual Holiday Parade! The parade will begin at approximately 9:45 AM on Saturday, December 7, 2024. Entry fees are non-refundable. Entry fees will only be returned if the applicant is not accepted for participation. There is a $35 return check fee. The Parade Committee reserves the right to accept or deny any application for entry. The parade will go on rain or shine. The parade will start on time! The parade will be broadcast live on WIS-TV at 10:00 a.m.
Unless selected to be a "feature presentation" there will be no stopping in front of the reviewing stand. No items are allowed to be thrown from floats or vehicles. Violators will not be invited or allowed back to next year's parade.
Entry Design Information
All units should be designed and decorated to reflect the theme of the parade and must be constructed in a manner which is safe for participants and spectators. There are occasionally strong winds and wind gusts along the parade route; therefore, each unit should be designed to withstand the elements. Float entries must include overall float dimensions and the dimensions and details of props to be used on rental and custom floats. It is acceptable to give out approved items (please list on application), unless it interferes with the flow of the parade. The number of units and placement in the parade will be at the discretion of the Parade Committee. No entry may include any person(s) dressed as or representing Santa Claus.
Only those organizations selected will be permitted to stop and perform in the reviewing stand.
Entry Fees
Please note the entry fee structure has changed. Should you have any questions about how your entry fits into these new guidelines, please contact us prior to sending in payment.
School Groups (K thru 12,Public School), Military & City Services:
1st Unit - Free 2nd Unit - +$25 3rd or more Units - $25 each
1 Unit = 50 walkers (including parents and chaperones)
1 Unit = Float + Truck or Truck w/Trailer
Late fee of $50 will be charged after October 27, 2023
No entries will be accepted after November 3, 2023 NO EXCEPTIONS!
Non-Profit, Churches, Social Groups & Clubs:
1st Unit - $75 2nd Unit - +$50 3rd or more Units - $25 each
1 Unit = 50 walkers (including parents and chaperones)
1 Unit = Float + Truck or Truck w/Trailer
Late fee of $50 will be charged after October 27, 2023
No entries will be accepted after November 3, 2023 NO EXCEPTIONS!
Walking Units:
1st Unit - $75 2nd Unit - +$50 3rd or more Units - $25 each
1 Unit = 50 walkers (including chaperones)
Late fee of $50 will be charged after October 27, 2023
No entries will be accepted after November 3, 2023 NO EXCEPTIONS!
Motorized Units:
1st Unit - $75 2nd Unit - +$50 3rd or more Units - $25 each
1 Unit = 6 motorized vehicles or any kind
1 Unit = Float + Truck or Truck w/Trailer
Late fee of $50 will be charged after October 27, 2023
No entries will be accepted after November 3, 2023 NO EXCEPTIONS!
Business, Commercial, Political & Specialty Schools:
1st Unit - $125 2nd Unit - +$50 3rd or more Units - $25 each
1 Unit = 50 walkers (including parents and chaperones)
1 Unit = Float + Truck or Truck w/Trailer
1 Unit = 6 motorized vehicles or any kind
Late fee of $50 will be charged after October 27, 2023
No entries will be accepted after November 3, 2023 NO EXCEPTIONS!
Feature Presentations
Some talented organizations will present street side entertainment and performances throughout the parade. However, organizations interested in performing in the parade reviewing area for the WIS-TV telecast must complete and submit the Feature Presentation application by October 27, 2023. Auditions are required, and a DVD or link to your YouTube video must be submitted with the application. Only those organizations selected will be permitted to stop and perform in the reviewing stand. Proof of insurance is also required with the application.
Customized Floats
Custom floats must be built on a trailer or flatbed with at least two (2) axles, pulled by a separate vehicle unless self-propelled. Pickup trucks, cars, vans, and buses are not floats. Custom float entries must provide their own tow vehicle. A description of the tow vehicle must be included with the entry design information. The tow vehicle must be decorated so that the entire unit has a coordinated appearance and the trailer hitch or attachments must be secure and checked prior to the parade. Proof of insurance is required with the application. Rental Floats
Please contact Southeastern Float Company www.southeasternfloats.com or call 803-917- 0644 or Kirby Floats www.kirbyparadefloats.com or call 803.359.3134 directly to rent a float for the parade. The float rental fee includes signs identifying the organization, a tow vehicle and driver. Rental floats must use the tow vehicle provided by the float company.
Cycles and Small Motorized Units
Motorcycles, bicycles, and mini-cars are accepted when part of an organization. Proof of insurance is required with the application.
Cars, Trucks and Vans
Individuals in a vehicle should be part of the entry presentation. All vehicles and riders are required to have holiday decorations and the number of riders inside the vehicles will be approved by the Participation Committee. Due to safety and insurance requirements, persons are prohibited from riding in the bed of a pickup truck or on the sides or hood a vehicle. Proof of insurance is required with the application.
Marching Units
Drill teams/ marching units (other than bands) will be limited to a minimum of 12 and a maximum of 50 participants. Marching/Walking Units MUST BE DRESSED in a UNIFORM MANNER.
Horses and other animals
Due to safety and insurance requirements, only organized equestrian units with trained horses and experienced riders will be considered for participation. Riders must maintain a slow pace at all times. Any unit with an animal(s) is 100% responsible for cleaning after the animal(s) during the parade or having animals diapered. Remember units will be walking, marching, and performing behind you. Proof of insurance is required with the application.
Video Coverage
TV broadcast is not controlled by the Carolina Carillon Committee; appearance on the Live Broadcast is not guaranteed.